About Third Day Naturals

In this day in age, we are under constant pressure and stress is at an all time high. I am an entrepreneur, mother and wife. Juggling so many hats throughout the day is challenging, and I could not get through most days without my faith. Through divine guidance I was led to seeking peace and rest in the midst of constant chaos. After years of symptoms I could not explain, the last thing I wanted was to affect my health even more by pumping my body with medicine. I chose to try a more natural approach.

One day in my personal bible study I read Genesis 1:12-13 “The land produced vegetation: plants bearing seed according to their kinds and trees bearing fruit with seed in it according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the third day.” (NIV)
It was then when I felt divine confirmation that the journey I was on was the correct one.

First and foremost I would like to clarify that I believe science is vital, and I have the utmost respect for those in the Medical field that choose to dedicate their lives to healing the many existing illnesses in the world today. I have nothing against medicine or seeking medical advice.

I do however believe in the power of natural remedies and the hundreds of benefits to our health. Side effects are minimized and health benefits are maximized. I became so excited about all the many products available to us for the betterment of our health and mental wellness. I became convinced that I could share these products with those who are seeking natural wellness just like me. Due to chronic stress, I experienced multiple unexplained symptoms. I decided to try products containing CBD and essential oils. This was a life changing decision in my life. As I began to feel relief such as less tension, less headaches, and less unexplained muscle and joint pain, I was convinced of the power of natural remedies.

Among so many other benefits, CBD offers benefits for anxiety, stress, depression and overall mental health. Managing a household, raising teenage kids, maintaining a healthy relationship with my spouse, and managing a demanding business is only doable with the help from my Heavenly father. He created us and also created the vegetation and natural products that provide healing for our bodies.

I know you have thousands of choices in natural products containing CBD and essential oils, I have made it my top priority to produce only the highest quality products in the purest form possible. All of my CBD products come with a QR code that will give specific ingredient information contained in each product so you can be confident in what you are putting in your body. I know you will be blessed by our products just as much as I have been.